How Do I Become Kosher Certified?

At the Seattle Va’ad we’ll help walk you through the kosher certification process.

Please call our office to let us know if you have any questions before completing the application.

Chasya can be reached at 206-760-0805 or by e-mail:

Download an Application OR complete the application below:

Kosher Application

Please complete the form below if you are interested in kosher certification. If you prefer, you may select the link above to complete the application via fax or mail. If you have any questions give us a call: 206-760-0805.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Note: For kosher purposes, all ingredients, including release agents, anti-foams, processing aids, etc., are significant. Please be all inclusive. Wherever possible, indicate if ingredients are kosher certified. Wherever possible, provide copies of current kosher certificates. Note that the Va'ad reserves the right to reject kosher certificates from Rabbis or agencies, or for products found not to comply with Va'ad standards. Where no kosher certificate exists, please provide Manufacturer’s Specification (MSDS) Sheets. A few examples are provided in the table on the following page
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.

Example of an Ingredient List:

example of ingredient list for app

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for your interest in Kosher Certification with the Seattle Va’ad

Va’ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle
6721 51st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118
fax: 206-725-0347


Interested in Kosher Certification

Are you interested in Kosher Certification, but would like to talk to someone before applying for certification? Submit the form below and one of our staff will be happy to call you.


